If you are just starting with mountain biking, the first thing you will realize is that your ordinary shoes won’t cut it. There are two options which are road and mountain bike shoes (both clips and flats).
Road shoes are mostly used for road cycling, which is traditional cycling on paved roads with no rough terrain. On the other hand, MTB shoes, also known as mountain biking shoes, are used for mountain biking on rough terrain which requires stronger grip and control.
As the cycles/bikes used for both along with other gear is also different, it is natural to have different types of shoes as well.
In a nutshell, road bike shoes are very specific to road biking built for converting power through to the bike efficiently. They are difficult to walk in and are not good for mountain biking.
Mountain bike shoes are a bit more versatile and often OK to walk in. They can also be used for road biking if you are not racing or a pro – they will do the job just fine. For more on the difference check out the rest of the article.
Road Shoes vs MTB Shoes
What is the real difference between them? Why do they feel different and offer different features? For people who are new to this sport, it may be difficult to distinguish road shoes from MTB shoes. While both are built purposely for biking, there is a big difference in terms of features.
Let’s explore the answers to these questions in detail.
Road Shoes

Road shoes are designed specifically for road cycling and aren’t very good for anything else. In road cycling, your body remains in the same position for a long time, but in mountain biking, you use the movement of your entire body to control the bike on rough terrain.
That is why road shoes are designed to provide comfort to the body that remains in the same position for a long time. They feature very stiff soles that do not bend and come with light and sleek design. And because the sole is stiff, they are not good or comfortable for walking or running.
If you are looking for high-end road shoes, you’ll see that most of them are made of expensive and high-quality lacing and closure systems, carbon-fiber soles, and wooden insoles. The design of the cleats on the bottom of the shoes is also different from your normal or MTB shoes, which is designed just to attach to road bike pedals (3 bolt cleats). These allow you to clip tightly onto the bike pedals and keep your feet secure.
Overall, the road shoes are stiffer and with a big 3 bolt cleat. Great for transferring power through the pedals but not for MTB.
Road Bike Cleats

In addition to the difference in shoes, road bike shoes also use a completely different cleat system. Road bike shoes use what is known as the three-bolt cleat system. Mountain bike shoes use a two-bolt cleat system. Each system requires its own type of pedal and therefore road bike shoes can’t be used with MTB pedals and vice versa.
Road bike shoes three-bolt cleat system is best for road biking as it large in size which is great for when you’re putting constant effort through the pedals. A larger platform reduces the amount of pressure that the ball of the foot experiences and hence gives a more comfortable ride.
MTB Shoes

Mountain bikes shoes are different in design and offer different feel compared to road shoes. While road shoes are simple in design, MTB shoes are beefier. They also include a more flexible and rugged sole which is a completely different design feature. This is because as a mountain biker, you have to adjust your feet position very quickly.
Mountain bike shoes are also made to be walked in as it is common to need to push your bike on certain trails. This makes them better for commuting aswell.
Mountain Bike Cleats

Mountain bike shoes use a much smaller but more durable two-bolt cleat system shown above. The much smaller design means that smaller pedals can be used to pair them too which leads to less rock strikes out on the trail.
MTB cleats are typically constructed using different types of metals making them hold up to the harsh conditions that mountain biking can put on the gear. They also tend to sit recessed into the shoe and so walking in mountain bike shoes is usually not a problem.
More importantly though mountain bike cleats are easier to unclip than road bike cleats which at some point or another you will be very thankful for out on the trail.
Road Shoes vs MTB Shoes: Conclusion
We are sure you now have a very clear idea about the difference between the two. You cannot use road shoes for mountain biking, and even for walking and running. While it is possible to use MTB shoes for road cycling if you want, it still is not recommended because of the footwear’s special features that are specifically designed for an intense bike ride.
You may find the road shoes strange if you cycle for short distances, but if you are road cycling for a long distance while using MTB shoes, you’ll feel an increasing pressure on your feet. The road shoes are very stiff with wooden insoles; it distributes the pressure to the entire surface of the feet, making them more comfortable and appropriate for longer cycling.
All in all, despite similarities in other features, both shoes are designed for different purposes. And with plenty of options available, it makes perfect sense to buy road shoes for road cycling and MTB shoes for mountain biking. You will have a better experience and have more fun if you use shoes designed for the specific purpose.
But if you have a budget for only one shoe that you want to use for both sports, we recommend MTB (mountain bike shoes) shoes as they can work with mountain bikes and road cycles, both and also offer comfort while walking, jogging and running.
Find out more about the difference between road and mountain bike pedals here.
Here we have put together a few common questions about the difference between road and mountain bike shoes.
Can you use MTB Shoes on a Road Bike?
Absolutely. The benefit that road shoes provide is a stiffer sole, more aerodynamic, lighter and with a larger cleat to distribute the pressure on your foot. This is all great but if you don’t race or do a lot of long rides they just aren’t worth it.
Two-bolt MTB shoes will be more comfortable and versatile while giving you 90% of the benefits anyway.
Can you use Road Shoes on MTBs?
The short answer is no. Although mechanically speaking you can it is a terrible idea. Road shoes are too rigid and not meant to move around and are difficult to unclip. It is not safe to ride road shoes MTB and shouldn’t be done.
Can You Put MTB Cleats On Road Shoes?
Mountain bike shoes and road bike shoes use two different cleat systems and therefore MTB cleats cannot be put on road bike shoes. The same is true for the reverse as you cannot put road bike cleats on to mountain bike shoes.
Can You Ride Clipless Pedals With Normal Shoes?
The short answer is yes you can, but is not something you would want to be doing regularly. To go into a bit more detail it depends largely on the type of pedals that you have. If you have large platforms on your pedals then it will be much more comfortable than small cross country pedals.
Having said that the cleat system does mean that your feet can’t connect properly with the platform anyway so it is still best to avoid it if you can.
In conclusion, if you’re just cruising about and not doing any serious MTB trails then you won’t have any issues using normal shoes on clipless pedals.
On the other hand, if you are going out on the trails you will struggle to find grip on the pedals. This can be very dangerous and is not recommended.